
When there’s change, there’s opportunity

Jack Welch

We want to enable the modern industrial complex to grow 
and usher a new industrial transition.

As was the case with previous industrial transitions, new technologies combined with new forms of energy and a prerogative to change the world’s existing economic activities are contributing to a new industrial transition of a sustainable kind.

We seek to enable this transition by helping to guide capital into parts of the economy that will foster change and create significant investment opportunity for our investors.

Private Equity

Tower Peak Partners is an active investor in privately held, sustainable industrial companies around the globe.

The Tower Peak investment team's experience in private equity averages 20 years and has stemmed from strong strategic engagement with some of the world’s leading industrial companies.

The focus of our investment activity is aimed at companies that align themselves strategically with the global sustainability agenda.We offer our investee companies and their management teams, a strong partnership culture and access to our financial expertise and world-class operational experience drawn from a wide bench of industry-leading practitioners.

Tower Peak

Sustainable Climate-Action Leading Enterprises

The SCALE strategy aims to participate as a significant minority and majority stakeholder in sustainable middle market industrial companies across Europe and North America.

Our target companies typically seek capital to grow their existing activity and scale, through production capacity growth, international expansion, acquisition, and service or product diversification.
We focus on high growth potential companies and their management teams. Companies that have already proven the concept and found a niche commercialisation strategy, that sets them apart and positions them as a potential future leading enterprises.
In all cases, our investee companies have fostered very strong industrial partnerships with large multinational industrial companies that support their business as cornerstone investors or as strategic commercial partners. This level of integration with existing industrial value chains, ensures that we can focus our investments on high impact value companies.
Infrastructure Strategies

An active investor in global infrastructure, spanning economic and social infrastructure sectors.

The team have an average of 25 years of infrastructure investment 
and project finance experience globally.

Our business is global, cross-border in nature and has no boundaries, 
so why should we have boundaries when selecting our people?

Like the diverse global society we live in, the globalized businesses that we invest in, and the international nature of the investors we serve; we believe our firm should reflect the same plurality, diversity of thought, backgrounds, beliefs, and differences. Diversity should be celebrated, not just encouraged. A culture of diversity, tolerance and understanding cannot exist without a culture of acceptance and inclusion.

Natural Capital

Tower Peak is involved in a number of strategic joint ventures with local forestry operation 
and maintenance groups around the world.

(There are) Four pathways to achieve (the Paris Agreement Goal) 1.5C, 
with different combinations of land use and technological change. 
A Reforestation is essential to all of them.
UN Environment 
Emissions Gap Report

We believe that strengthening and increasing our earth’s natural capital will be key to counterbalancing the negative effects of human activity on earth.


We believe in the “Principle of Additionality” and where possible “Permanence” when it comes to professionally managed timber plantation projects.

In that regard, we focus our forestry operations and maintenance activities on afforestation and reforestation projects which offer the most effective path to issuance of carbon credits to help offset and balance industrial emitting activities.